The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  EE. Office of Strategy & Operations  
EE-5. Request for Proposals (RFP) 14-049V Recommendation - External Independent Review of Services for Exceptional Student Education Department (ADDED) (D)  
December 17, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the RFP recommendation as stated on the attached award recommendation and Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida, and Evergreen Solutions, LLC.

RFP: 14-049V; TITLE: External Independent Review of Services for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department; CONTRACT PERIOD: December 18, 2013 through April 30, 2014; LOCATION: Exceptional Student Education; AMOUNT: $200,000; M/WBE VENDORS: Evergreen Solutions, LLC (White Female M/WBE: Tallahassee, FL)

The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), received proposals for external independent auditing services for the ESE Department.  The Awardee shall provide a comprehensive review of programs and services provided to students with disabilities and shall submit all findings, and provide a comprehensive report and recommendations to the Superintendent or designee, based upon the study.

Board approval of this RFP recommendation does not mean the amount shown will be spent.  This amount represents the estimated contract value and purchases may be made through the term of this contract from available funds already included in the department's budget.

This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

All expenditures for this contract will come from the existing approved department budget. Staff will provide a report to the School Board semi-annually detailing expenditures by contract.

Requested Action
Approve the RFP recommendation as stated on the attached award recommendation and Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida, and Evergreen Solutions, LLC.

RFP: 14-049V; TITLE: External Independent Review of Services for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department; CONTRACT PERIOD: December 18, 2013 through April 30, 2014; LOCATION: Exceptional Student Education; AMOUNT: $200,000; M/WBE VENDORS: Evergreen Solutions, LLC (White Female M/WBE: Tallahassee, FL)

The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), received proposals for external independent auditing services for the ESE Department.  The Awardee shall provide a comprehensive review of programs and services provided to students with disabilities and shall submit all findings, and provide a comprehensive report and recommendations to the Superintendent or designee, based upon the study.

Board approval of this RFP recommendation does not mean the amount shown will be spent.  This amount represents the estimated contract value and purchases may be made through the term of this contract from available funds already included in the department's budget.

This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
All expenditures for this contract will come from the existing approved department budget. Staff will provide a report to the School Board semi-annually detailing expenditures by contract.

Source of Additional Information
Kathrine Francis 754-321-2560 Carol Barker 754-321-0506

Associated File Attachments
Executive Summary (Files)  
Proposed Agreement (Files)  
RFP 14-049V (Files)  
ExecutedCompleteCopy (Files)