The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : January 03, 2013 at 11:35 AM
Meeting: Board Meeting :  F. Curriculum and Instruction, Student Support  
1. F-1. Continuation of Severely Emotionally Disturbed Network (SEDNET) Grant for 2001-2002
August 14, 2001

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the continuation of the SEDNET grant for 2001-2002 in the amount of $136,320 for the coordination of interagency partnerships on behalf of SED students and their families.

SEDNET is a statewide multiagency service network that addresses the needs of SED students. The grant provides coordination and support services among the more than twenty-five agencies which comprise the network. Grant services include providing leadership for multiagency case management system, participating in systemic analysis and service design, and maximizing resources for the SED population. Additional information about the grant is included in the executive summary.

The financial impact is $136,320. The sources of funds are the U.S. Department of Education and the State of Florida. There is no additional financial impact to the school district.

Requested Action
Approve the continuation of the SEDNET grant for 2001-2002 in the amount of $136,320 for the coordination of interagency partnerships on behalf of SED students and their families.

SEDNET is a statewide multiagency service network that addresses the needs of SED students.  The grant provides coordination and support services among the more than twenty-five agencies which comprise the network.  Grant services include providing leadership for multiagency case management system, participating in systemic analysis and service design, and maximizing resources for the SED population.  Additional information about the grant is included in the executive summary.

Financial Impact
The financial impact is $136,320.

The sources of funds are the U.S. Department of Education and the State of Florida.  There is no additional financial impact to the school district.

Source of Additional Information
Fay Clark, 768-8964 null

Associated File Attachments
Executive Summary (Files)  
Application (Files)  
ExecutedCompleteCopy (Files)