The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  CC. Board Policies  
CC-5. Revision to Policy 1001 - Rule Adoption and Rule Making (D)  
April 01, 2014
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the revisions to Policy 1001 - Rule Adoption and Rule Making at first reading.

At the June 26, 2013 School Board Workshop, staff recommended revisions to Policy 1001 to modify the rule adoption process in an effort to reduce the time required to revise a policy.

The current policy requires five independent meetings (two workshops, one public rule development meeting, two regular school board meetings) prior to any policy revision being finalized.  This process can take up to six months to complete.  At the June 26, 2013 School Board Workshop, staff recommended the five-step process be consolidated to a two-step process in compliance with Florida State Statutes.  The feedback provided by Board Members in response to this recommendation was to request the process consist of three meetings: School Board workshop, a public rule development meeting (second workshop), and a final adoption at a subsequent Regular School Board meeting.  Additionally, the Board requested staff to work with the District Advisory Committee (DAC) to consolidate their ?looping? process, as it serves as a surrogate mechanism to provide public feedback on proposed policy revisions.  

Subsequently, staff met with a DAC Sub-Committee to review the ?looping? process.  This effort resulted in a recommendation from DAC to pilot a modified process, which substantially shortens the amount of time associated with DAC garnering a formal position on proposed revisions to policy.  This, along with feedback from the Public Rule Development Meeting held on February 13, 2014, was shared with School Board Members at the February 25, 2014 School Board Workshop (Presentation attached as Exhibit 3).

Highlights of the proposed revision to Policy 1001 include;

* Modifies the current five-step process to a three-step process for policy revision (workshop, public rule development meeting [second workshop], and final adoption).

* Identifies the Office of the Chief of Staff to coordinate all revisions to policy.

* Clarifies all notice requirements be in accordance with Florida State Statutes.

* Aligns all policy update and reporting requirements with Florida State Statutes.

In conjunction with this recommended policy revision, staff has developed a web-based application to allow the public to provide feedback on proposed policy revisions without having to attend any of the public meetings.  This application will be launched in conjunction with the final adoption of the recommended policy revisions and allow staff to provide this additional feedback with subsequent revisions.

Upon School Board approval, appropriate measures will be taken to communicate these revisions to all stakeholders.

There is no financial impact to the District.

Requested Action
Approve the revisions to Policy 1001 - Rule Adoption and Rule Making at first reading.

At the June 26, 2013 School Board Workshop, staff recommended revisions to Policy 1001 to modify the rule adoption process in an effort to reduce the time required to revise a policy.

The current policy requires five independent meetings (two workshops, one public rule development meeting, two regular school board meetings) prior to any policy revision being finalized.  This process can take up to six months to complete.  At the June 26, 2013 School Board Workshop, staff recommended the five-step process be consolidated to a two-step process in compliance with Florida State Statutes.  The feedback provided by Board Members in response to this recommendation was to request the process consist of three meetings: School Board workshop, a public rule development meeting (second workshop), and a final adoption at a subsequent Regular School Board meeting.  Additionally, the Board requested staff to work with the District Advisory Committee (DAC) to consolidate their ?looping? process, as it serves as a surrogate mechanism to provide public feedback on proposed policy revisions.  

Subsequently, staff met with a DAC Sub-Committee to review the ?looping? process.  This effort resulted in a recommendation from DAC to pilot a modified process, which substantially shortens the amount of time associated with DAC garnering a formal position on proposed revisions to policy.  This, along with feedback from the Public Rule Development Meeting held on February 13, 2014, was shared with School Board Members at the February 25, 2014 School Board Workshop (Presentation attached as Exhibit 3).

Highlights of the proposed revision to Policy 1001 include;

* Modifies the current five-step process to a three-step process for policy revision (workshop, public rule development meeting [second workshop], and final adoption).

* Identifies the Office of the Chief of Staff to coordinate all revisions to policy.

* Clarifies all notice requirements be in accordance with Florida State Statutes.

* Aligns all policy update and reporting requirements with Florida State Statutes.

In conjunction with this recommended policy revision, staff has developed a web-based application to allow the public to provide feedback on proposed policy revisions without having to attend any of the public meetings.  This application will be launched in conjunction with the final adoption of the recommended policy revisions and allow staff to provide this additional feedback with subsequent revisions.

Upon School Board approval, appropriate measures will be taken to communicate these revisions to all stakeholders.

School Board Goals
Goal 3: Effective Communication
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the District.

Source of Additional Information
Jeffrey Moquin 754 321-2650

Associated File Attachments
Rewrite Policy 1001 (Files)  
Current Policy 1001 (Files)  
2-25-14 Workshop Presentation Policy 1001 (Files)  
ExecutedARF (Files)