The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  JJ. Office of Facilities & Construction  
JJ-6. Authorization to Proceed - <u>Quality Assurance Monitoring/Program Manager Review</u> - Construction and Operational Auditing Services - RFP 11-013V (See Items J-1 and JJ-5) (D)  
December 17, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract

Approve the use of current RFP 11-013V, Construction and Operational Auditing Services to McGladrey, LLP for services pertaining to Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Program Manager Review and authorize the Office of Facilities & Construction to expend up to $170,000.

The School District is engaging a Program Manager to oversee the District's Capital Program. The Office of Facilities & Construction ("OF&C") shall provide primary oversight of the Program Manager and as a an independent secondary means of oversight, the OF&C desires to engage McGladrey, LLP to perform quality assurance monitoring and review of the Program Manager, as well as review OF&Cs' internal controls of Program Manager ensuring adherence to Best Practices as recommended in McGladreys' June 2012 Operational Audit. In addition, McGladrey will provide quarterly reports of their findings on the Program Manager's performance and OF&C's controls. These reports will be transmitted to the Board on a quarterly basis via the office of OF&C and shall be presented to the Facilities Task Force for informational purposes.

This item authorizes the Office of Facilities & Construction to engage McGladrey, LLP for services of independent review of Program Management Services in accordance with the terms of RFP 11-013V.

Approval of the ATP shall authorize spending authority and will have a financial impact. (COLLABORATION FORM WILL BE FORTHCOMING FRIDAY, 12/13/13) The financial impact is $170,000. The source of these funds is already identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan.

Requested Action

Approve the use of current RFP 11-013V, Construction and Operational Auditing Services to McGladrey, LLP for services pertaining to Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Program Manager Review and authorize the Office of Facilities & Construction to expend up to $170,000.

The School District is engaging a Program Manager to oversee the District's Capital Program. The Office of Facilities & Construction ("OF&C") shall provide primary oversight of the Program Manager and as a an independent secondary means of oversight, the OF&C desires to engage McGladrey, LLP to perform quality assurance monitoring and review of the Program Manager, as well as review OF&Cs' internal controls of Program Manager ensuring adherence to Best Practices as recommended in McGladreys' June 2012 Operational Audit. In addition, McGladrey will provide quarterly reports of their findings on the Program Manager's performance and OF&C's controls. These reports will be transmitted to the Board on a quarterly basis via the office of OF&C and shall be presented to the Facilities Task Force for informational purposes.

This item authorizes the Office of Facilities & Construction to engage McGladrey, LLP for services of independent review of Program Management Services in accordance with the terms of RFP 11-013V.

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
Approval of the ATP shall authorize spending authority and will have a financial impact. (COLLABORATION FORM WILL BE FORTHCOMING FRIDAY, 12/13/13) The financial impact is $170,000. The source of these funds is already identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan.

Source of Additional Information
Shelley Meloni 754 321-1515

Associated File Attachments
Executive Summary (Files)  
Scope of Services (McGladrey, LLP) (Files)  
Memo to Revise (Files)  
ExecutedARF (Files)