The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  JJ. Office of Facilities & Construction  
JJ-5. Approve Authorization to Proceed - Program Management Services - RFQ No. 2014-31-FC (See Items J-1 and JJ-6) (D)  
December 17, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract

Approve the Authorization to Proceed in the amount of $437,592, and authorize the expenditure of up to $1,750,369.

This item approves the Authorization to Proceed ("ATP") (Exhibit 2 3) for Program Management Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement ("PSA") awarded to URS Corporation Southern and approved by the Board December 17, 2013. This also authorizes the Office of Facilities & Construction to issue one or more ATPs for portions of the work included in this ATP as scheduled on page two of the ATP and to expend up to $1,750,369 for fees as negotiated and as delineated in Exhibit 2. The work is related to the projects in Exhibit 4.

The Superintendent's Negotiating Committee met with URS Corporation Southern and negotiated fees in accordance with the recommendations of the Superintendent's Parameters Committee and Article 5 of the Program Management Services Agreement. The purpose of this ATP is to commence Program Management Services for the Office of Facilities & Construction as delineated in Exhibit 2. Under the RFQ, the term of The the Agreement is for one year with spending authority not to exceed and no more than $1,750,369 $2,000,000. and may be renewed by Board approval in one-year periods for a maximum of three years and no more than $1,750,369 per year, as presented in J-1 (12/17/13). The contract may be renewed by Board approval in one-year periods for a maximum of three years and no more than $2,000,000 per year.

The financial impact is $1,750,369 437,592. (COLLABORATION FORM WILL BE FORTHCOMING FRIDAY, 12/13/13) The source of these funds is already identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan.

Requested Action

Approve the Authorization to Proceed in the amount of $437,592, and authorize the expenditure of up to $1,750,369.

This item approves the Authorization to Proceed ("ATP") (Exhibit 2 3) for Program Management Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement ("PSA") awarded to URS Corporation Southern and approved by the Board December 17, 2013. This also authorizes the Office of Facilities & Construction to issue one or more ATPs for portions of the work included in this ATP as scheduled on page two of the ATP and to expend up to $1,750,369 for fees as negotiated and as delineated in Exhibit 2. The work is related to the projects in Exhibit 4.

The Superintendent's Negotiating Committee met with URS Corporation Southern and negotiated fees in accordance with the recommendations of the Superintendent's Parameters Committee and Article 5 of the Program Management Services Agreement. The purpose of this ATP is to commence Program Management Services for the Office of Facilities & Construction as delineated in Exhibit 2. Under the RFQ, the term of The the Agreement is for one year with spending authority not to exceed and no more than $1,750,369 $2,000,000. and may be renewed by Board approval in one-year periods for a maximum of three years and no more than $1,750,369 per year, as presented in J-1 (12/17/13). The contract may be renewed by Board approval in one-year periods for a maximum of three years and no more than $2,000,000 per year.

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
The financial impact is $1,750,369 437,592. (COLLABORATION FORM WILL BE FORTHCOMING FRIDAY, 12/13/13) The source of these funds is already identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan.

Source of Additional Information
Shelley Meloni 754 321-1515 Denis Herrmann 754 321-0544

Associated File Attachments
Executive Summary (Files)  
Authorization to Proceed (Files)  
Project List (Files)  
Memo to Revise (Files)  
ExecutedARF (Files)