The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  LL. Office of Portfolio Services  
LL-3. Premium Services Agreements Approval - Somerset Academy, Inc., (Location Numbers 5151; 5221; and 5396)
December 17, 2013

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve Premium Services Agreements between The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), and Somerset Academy, Inc.

As part of the District's Venture Design Initiative, and pursuant to Section 1002.33(20)(b), Florida Statutes, the Innovative Programs Design/Support Department has negotiated the terms of a Premium Services Agreement for fee-supported participation in voluntary district-wide assessments with Somerset Academy, Inc.  The attached agreements delineate the negotiated terms as well as the description of the voluntary district-wide assessments purchased by the School.

A copy of all supporting documents is available at the Innovative Programs Design/Support Department on the 4th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:

These agreements have been approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

There is estimated positive revenue to the District in the amount of $12,903.00 for the 2013-2014 Premium Services Agreements. This amount is based on the purchase of requested voluntary district-wide assessments and may change depending on the actual assessments delivered, used and scored throughout the academic year.

Requested Action
Approve Premium Services Agreements between The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), and Somerset Academy, Inc.

As part of the District's Venture Design Initiative, and pursuant to Section 1002.33(20)(b), Florida Statutes, the Innovative Programs Design/Support Department has negotiated the terms of a Premium Services Agreement for fee-supported participation in voluntary district-wide assessments with Somerset Academy, Inc.  The attached agreements delineate the negotiated terms as well as the description of the voluntary district-wide assessments purchased by the School.

A copy of all supporting documents is available at the Innovative Programs Design/Support Department on the 4th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:

These agreements have been approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
There is estimated positive revenue to the District in the amount of $12,903.00 for the 2013-2014 Premium Services Agreements. This amount is based on the purchase of requested voluntary district-wide assessments and may change depending on the actual assessments delivered, used and scored throughout the academic year.

Source of Additional Information
Leona Miracola 754 321-2070 Maria Rodriguez 754 321-2070

Associated File Attachments
Executive Summary Somerset 5151,5221,5396 (Files)  
Agreement Somerset 5151, 5221, 5396 (Files)  
ExecutedCompleteCopy (Files)