The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  CC. Board Policies  
CC-1. Proposed New or Revised Job Descriptions, Minimum Qualifications and Job Titles for Twenty-nine (29) Positions in the Information & Technology Department (D)  
December 17, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the proposed new or revised job descriptions, minimum qualifications and job titles for twenty nine (29) positions in the Information & Technology Department.  This is the first reading.

The creation or revision of these job descriptions supports the 2012-13 labor negotiations. The creations or revisions will ensure the job descriptions accurately reflect the current title, required qualifications and performance responsibilities of the positions in the Information & Technology Department.

The creation or revision of the job descriptions does not impact the pay grade or salary range of the existing positions.  See attached Executive Summary.

Copies of all supporting documents are available at the Board Members' Office on the 14th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:

There is no financial impact to the District.  

Requested Action
Approve the proposed new or revised job descriptions, minimum qualifications and job titles for twenty nine (29) positions in the Information & Technology Department.  This is the first reading.

The creation or revision of these job descriptions supports the 2012-13 labor negotiations. The creations or revisions will ensure the job descriptions accurately reflect the current title, required qualifications and performance responsibilities of the positions in the Information & Technology Department.

The creation or revision of the job descriptions does not impact the pay grade or salary range of the existing positions.  See attached Executive Summary.

Copies of all supporting documents are available at the Board Members' Office on the 14th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement
Goal 3: Effective Communication

Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the District.  

Source of Additional Information
Tony Hunter 754 321-0400 Dorothy Davis 754 321-2140

Associated File Attachments
1. Executive Summary (Files)  
2. New Job Description, Minimum Qualifications & Position Point Factor (Files)  
ExecutedARF & Amendment (Files)