The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  EE. Office of Strategy & Operations  
EE-3. Request for Proposals (RFP) 14-050V Recommendation - Student Generation Rate/School Impact Fee Study (D)  
December 17, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract

Approve the RFP recommendation as stated on the attached award recommendation and Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida, and Walter H. Keller, Inc.

RFP: 14-050V; TITLE: Student Generation Rate/School Impact Fee Study; LOCATION: Facility Planning & Real Estate; AMOUNT: $84,995; M/WBE VENDORS: ----

The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), received proposals from firms to provide SBBC with student generation rate/school impact fee study. This project involves updating the Student Generation Rate/School Impact Fee Study Phase II - Final Report, prepared by Walter H. Keller, Inc., in December 2007. That study was initiated in 2004. The ordinance updating the impact fee schedule was approved by the Broward County Commission, and became effective in June 2008. Provisions of the Second Amended Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning (SILA) require that the study on student generation rates/school impact fees should be revised at least once every three years. Given the long lead-time required to complete such study, SBBC desires to begin preparations for the required update, which will need to be completed in 2014, and become effective immediately thereafter around June 2014.

Completion of project and distribution of final payment is contingent upon completion and approval of all project deliverables and adoption by the Broward County Commission.

The contract period begins December 18, 2013, and shall conclude upon the adoption of the updated Student Generation Rates and School Impact Fee Schedule by the Broward County Commission, and the subsequent effectiveness of the updated Student Generation Rates and School Impact Fee Schedule.

Board approval of this RFP recommendation does not mean the amount shown will be spent. This amount represents the estimated contract value and purchases may be made through the term of this contract from available funds already included in the department's capital budget.

This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

All expenditures for this contract will come from the existing approved department capital budget. Staff will provide a report to the School Board semi-annually detailing expenditures by contract.

Requested Action

Approve the RFP recommendation as stated on the attached award recommendation and Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida, and Walter H. Keller, Inc.

RFP: 14-050V; TITLE: Student Generation Rate/School Impact Fee Study; LOCATION: Facility Planning & Real Estate; AMOUNT: $84,995; M/WBE VENDORS: ----

The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC), received proposals from firms to provide SBBC with student generation rate/school impact fee study. This project involves updating the Student Generation Rate/School Impact Fee Study Phase II - Final Report, prepared by Walter H. Keller, Inc., in December 2007. That study was initiated in 2004. The ordinance updating the impact fee schedule was approved by the Broward County Commission, and became effective in June 2008. Provisions of the Second Amended Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning (SILA) require that the study on student generation rates/school impact fees should be revised at least once every three years. Given the long lead-time required to complete such study, SBBC desires to begin preparations for the required update, which will need to be completed in 2014, and become effective immediately thereafter around June 2014.

Completion of project and distribution of final payment is contingent upon completion and approval of all project deliverables and adoption by the Broward County Commission.

The contract period begins December 18, 2013, and shall conclude upon the adoption of the updated Student Generation Rates and School Impact Fee Schedule by the Broward County Commission, and the subsequent effectiveness of the updated Student Generation Rates and School Impact Fee Schedule.

Board approval of this RFP recommendation does not mean the amount shown will be spent. This amount represents the estimated contract value and purchases may be made through the term of this contract from available funds already included in the department's capital budget.

This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
All expenditures for this contract will come from the existing approved department capital budget. Staff will provide a report to the School Board semi-annually detailing expenditures by contract.

Source of Additional Information
Leslie Brown 754-321-2100 Carol Barker 754-321-0506

Associated File Attachments
Proposed Agreement (Files)  
RFP 14-050V (Files)  
Memo to Revise (Files)  
ExecutedCompleteCopy (Files)