The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  CC. Board Policies  
CC-8. Revisions to School Board Policy 3320 - Purchasing Policies (D)  
April 01, 2014
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the revisions to School Board Policy 3320 - Purchasing Policies at this first reading.

School Board Policy 3320 governs the purchasing rules used by the District.  The proposed changes to the policy include, but are not limited to, clarification of certain provisions and amending dollar limits on contracts that require Board approval.

In accordance with School Board Policy 1001, this policy has completed the review process at the September 10, 2013, School Board Workshop; the October 17, 2013, Public Rule Development Meeting; the December 10, 2013, School Board Workshop; and was approved as amended at first reading at the February 4, 2014, Regular School Board Meeting (RSBM).  Unfortunately after the Board's approval, it was discovered that the policy was inadvertently not advertised for the RSBM prior to the meeting date, hence the rescheduling of the policy for this RSBM.

This revised policy has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.

There is no financial impact to the District.

Requested Action
Approve the revisions to School Board Policy 3320 - Purchasing Policies at this first reading.

School Board Policy 3320 governs the purchasing rules used by the District.  The proposed changes to the policy include, but are not limited to, clarification of certain provisions and amending dollar limits on contracts that require Board approval.

In accordance with School Board Policy 1001, this policy has completed the review process at the September 10, 2013, School Board Workshop; the October 17, 2013, Public Rule Development Meeting; the December 10, 2013, School Board Workshop; and was approved as amended at first reading at the
February 4, 2014, Regular School Board Meeting (RSBM).  Unfortunately after the Board's approval, it was discovered that the policy was inadvertently not advertised for the RSBM prior to the meeting date, hence the rescheduling of the policy for this RSBM.

This revised policy has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.  

School Board Goals
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the District.

Source of Additional Information
Carol Barker 754-321-0506 Ruby Crenshaw 754-321-0501

Associated File Attachments
Policy 3320 Marked Copy (Files)  
Policy 3320 Change Matrix (Files)  
ExecutedARF & Amendment (Files)