The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : March 02, 2014 at 06:40 PM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  I. Office of the Superintendent  
I-2. Amendment to the 2013-2014 Organizational Chart - Page 16 (C)  
December 17, 2013

Quick Summary / Abstract

Amend page 16 of the 2013-2014 Organizational chart to add one (1) position.

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Department and Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department have recommended organizational chart changes that align staffing needs to grants that have been awarded to the District.  The grant funding will support an additional full-time employee to the position of Research Specialist.

The additional position will disaggregate and analyze data, develop and interpret reports, and disseminate evaluation results, which will help support and enhance the services provided to schools and students by the ESOL and ESE Departments.

There is no financial impact to the General Fund.

Requested Action

Amend page 16 of the 2013-2014 Organizational chart to add one (1) position.

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Department and Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Department have recommended organizational chart changes that align staffing needs to grants that have been awarded to the District.  The grant funding will support an additional full-time employee to the position of Research Specialist.

The additional position will disaggregate and analyze data, develop and interpret reports, and disseminate evaluation results, which will help support and enhance the services provided to schools and students by the ESOL and ESE Departments.

School Board Goals
Goal 3: Effective Communication
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement
Goal 1: High Quality Instruction

Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the General Fund.

Source of Additional Information
Jose Dotres 754-321-2619 Amanda Bailey 754-321-1840

Associated File Attachments
2013-14 Org Chart Page 16 Revision (Files)  
Memo to Withdraw (Files)  
ExecutedARF (Files)