The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : September 07, 2013 at 05:25 AM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  CC. Board Policies  
CC-11. Revisions to Policy 6000.1: Student Progression Plan (D)  
July 23, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve revisions to Policy 6000.1:  Student Progression Plan, at this First Reading.

The District Policy 6000.1 Work Group convened subcommittees to address issues and formulate proposed changes to the District Student Progression Plan for 2013-14.  A broad representation of District and school-based staff, along with parents and students participated on the following subcommittees: Elementary Items, Middle School Items, High School Items, and General Progression Items.  Participants in the vetting process included District Administrative staff, elementary school principals, middle school principals, high school principals, District Advisory Council, ESE Advisory Council, ESOL Leadership Council, and Office of School Accountability and Performance staff.  Following the vetting process, staff representing the Policy 6000.1 Work Group provided members with recommended changes at Board Workshops on February 12, 2013 and on May 14, 2013.  A public forum was held on April 24, 2013.  As a result of Board input, recommended changes are reflected in Policy 6000.1 revisions.  The Chart of Substantive Changes addresses all changes that are being recommended at this time.  

Compliance with the proposed Policy/Rule is not estimated to result in any economic impact upon persons affected by the Policy/Rule.  The update of the Policy/Rule to effect compliance with changes in state law are estimated to have a regulatory cost of approximately $1,000,000.

Requested Action
Approve revisions to Policy 6000.1:  Student Progression Plan, at this first reading.

The District Policy 6000.1 Work Group convened subcommittees to address issues and formulate proposed changes to the District Student Progression Plan for 2013-14.  A broad representation of District and school-based staff, along with parents and students participated on the following subcommittees: Elementary Items, Middle School Items, High School Items, and General Progression Items.  Participants in the vetting process included District Administrative staff, elementary school principals, middle school principals, high school principals, District Advisory Council, ESE Advisory Council, ESOL Leadership Council, and Office of School Accountability and Performance staff.  Following the vetting process, staff representing the Policy 6000.1 Work Group provided members with recommended changes at Board Workshops on February 12, 2013 and on May 14, 2013.  A public forum was held on April 24, 2013.  As a result of Board input, recommended changes are reflected in Policy 6000.1 revisions.  The Chart of Substantive Changes addresses all changes that are being recommended at this time.  

School Board Goals
Goal 1: High Quality Instruction

Financial Impact
Compliance with the proposed Policy/Rule is not estimated to result in any economic impact upon persons affected by the Policy/Rule.  The update of the Policy/Rule to effect compliance with changes in state law are estimated to have a regulatory cost of approximately $1,000,000.

Source of Additional Information
mariewright 754 321-1850 cynthiapark 754 321-2119

Associated File Attachments
Chart of Substantive Changes (Files)  
Policy60001with Strikethroughs (Files)  
Procedural Guide (Files)  
ExecutedARF&Amendment (Files)