The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Created : September 07, 2013 at 05:25 AM
Meeting: Regular School Board Meeting :  CC. Board Policies  
CC-3. Revision to Policy 1007 - Ethics Code for School Board Members (D)  
July 23, 2013
Open Agenda

Quick Summary / Abstract
Approve the revisions to Policy 1007 Ethics Code for School Board Members, at this first reading.

The School Board last reviewed revised Policy 1007 at its Workshop on December 11, 2012. At that time, the Board gave direction to make additional changes.  It is now on the agenda for its first reading.  

The attached draft policy incorporates those revisions, as well as Board Member comments, made during the Workshops held on July 31, 2012 and December 11, 2012.  The material presented at the December 11, 2012 Workshop is provided as an exhibit for reference.  

Subsequent to the Workshop, SB 2 was filed on January 23, 2013 in the Florida Senate which proposed, among other things, ethics training for certain elected officials including school board members.  The General Counsel's Office monitored the bill through the legislative process.  It ultimately passed and was signed into law on May 1, 2013 by the Governor.  In pertinent part, it requires four (4) hours of ethics training for elected officials in the areas of sunshine law, public records and code of ethics.  The revised policy is now back on the agenda for first reading and to discuss the impacts of the statutory ethics training requirements.

Key to Revisions:
Red text delineates initial revisions brought to July 31, 2012 Workshop.
Blue text reflects changes made after the July 31, 2012 workshop as a result of the discussion.
Highlighted blue text reflects changes made as a result of the December 11, 2012 Workshop.

There is no financial impact to the district.

Requested Action
Approve the revisions to Policy 1007 Ethics Code for School Board Members, at this first reading.

The School Board last reviewed revised Policy 1007 at its Workshop on December 11, 2012. At that time, the Board gave direction to make additional changes.  It is now on the agenda for its first reading.  

The attached draft policy incorporates those revisions, as well as Board Member comments, made during the Workshops held on July 31, 2012 and December 11, 2012.  The material presented at the December 11, 2012 Workshop is provided as an exhibit for reference.  

Subsequent to the Workshop, SB 2 was filed on January 23, 2013 in the Florida Senate which proposed, among other things, ethics training for certain elected officials including school board members.  The General Counsel's Office monitored the bill through the legislative process.  It ultimately passed and was signed into law on May 1, 2013 by the Governor.  In pertinent part, it requires four (4) hours of ethics training for elected officials in the areas of sunshine law, public records and code of ethics.  The revised policy is now back on the agenda for first reading and to discuss the impacts of the statutory ethics training requirements.

Key to Revisions:
Red text delineates initial revisions brought to July 31, 2012 Workshop.
Blue text reflects changes made after the July 31, 2012 workshop as a result of the discussion.
Highlighted blue text reflects changes made as a result of the December 11, 2012 Workshop.

School Board Goals
Goal 3: Effective Communication
Goal 2: Continuous Improvement

Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the District.

Source of Additional Information
Robert Paul Vignola, Esq. 754-321-2050 J. Paul Carland, II, Esq. 754-321-2050

Associated File Attachments
Proposed Revised Policy 1007 (Files)  
Material Presented 12-11-13 Workshop (Files)  
ExecutedARF&Amendment (Files)