Regular School Board Meeting


TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 10:15 AM

  Board Room of the Kathleen C. Wright Administration Center

600 Southeast Third Avenue

Fort Lauderdale, Florida








April 20, 2015



6.  Douglas Green  (WITHDRAWN)



LL-4. Renewal of Lease Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and COPANS 2011, LLC   (REVISED)  (SPECIAL ORDER - 2:15 P.M.)



April 17, 2015



6.  Douglas Green  (ADDED)

7.  Pamela Damelio  (ADDED)



AA-1. Resolution in Support of Pilates Day - May 2015  (ADDED)

EE-3. Bid Recommendation of $500,000 or Greater - 15-087T - Refuse Services  (REVISED)

LL-3. Reinstatement of the Agreement of Sale and Purchase between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and JLB Realty, LLC for the Purchase of the Site Commonly Referred to as Elementary D-1 School Site (No.352.1)  (REVISED)








March 17, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting (Supporting Docs)

April 7, 2015 - Special - Expulsions

April 7, 2015 - Regular School Board Meeting (Supporting Docs)








Recognition in Support of "El día de los niños"  (Resolution #15-93)

(SPECIAL ORDER:  10:45 A.M.)


Recognition in Celebration of April as The Military Child Month (Resolution #15-62) (SPECIAL ORDER:  11:00 A.M.)


Recognition in Support of Take 5 to Stay Alive - Video Contest Winners

(SPECIAL ORDER:  11:30 A.M.)




Broward County Council PTAs/PTSAs

ESE Advisory Council

Broward County Association of Student Councils and Student Advisor to the Board

Technology Advisory Committee

ESOL Leadership Council

Gifted Advisory Council

Employee Unions/Groups

Facilities Task Force

Supplier Diversity & Outreach Program Advisory Committee

Diversity Committee

Broward Education Foundation

District Advisory Council






Board Members





1.  Verona Thomas

2.  Lynda Olds

3.  Patricia Taime

4.  Fan Wernersbach

5.  Anna Fusco

6.  Douglas Green  (WITHDRAWN)

7.  Pamela Damelio  (ADDED)










E-1. Pre-Qualification of Contractors - Approval of Application and Issuance of Certification (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommendation by the Superintendent indicated in Exhibit 2.


The Pre-Qualification Application process is in accordance with State Requirements for Educational Facilities, F.S. 1013.46, and School Board Policy 7003.  This item approves the recommendations by the Superintendent of Schools indicated in Exhibit 2.  Further explanation is provided in Exhibit 1. The Qualification Selection Evaluation Committee (QSEC) convened on

April 1, 2015, to review staff's recommendations in response to the submitted pre-qualification applications.  Upon review of staff's recommendations, QSEC makes the recommendations to the Superintendent indicated in Superintendent Recommendations - Tracking Report.  Contractor Pre-Qualification Staff Application Review Executive Summaries are available online at:


There is no financial impact to the district.


E-2. Recommendation to Reject all Bids - 15-100V - Fruit Juices for Cafeterias (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommendation to reject the single bid received for the above contract.


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, received one (1) bid for 15-100V, Fruit Juices for Cafeterias, from M & B Products, Inc.  The recommendation to reject all bids is based on staff negotiating better pricing on the existing contract (awarded on June 21, 2011, Item EE-1).


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


A copy of the bid documents are available online at:


There is no financial impact to the district.


E-3. Recommendation to Reject all Bids - 15-067R - High Capacity Air Conditioning Filters (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommendation to reject all bids for the above contract.


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, received five (5) bid responses for 15-067R, High Capacity Air Conditioning Filters.  The bid document was advertised requesting a standardized brand product for A/C filters.  After receiving the bids, several vendors provided pricing for products that would perform equally as good and had better pricing.  The District saw an opportunity to move to a performance specification, in lieu of a product specification, which would yield a significant savings overall. Procurement & Warehousing Services will obtain quotes to continue the District's ability to obtain the A/C filters until the new bid is awarded.  The new bid is scheduled for award at the June 23, 2015, Board meeting.


There is no financial impact to the district.


E-4. Bid Renewal- 12-064R - Automotive Oils, Lubricants, and Greases (Supporting Docs)


Approve the third renewal for above bid. Bid Term: April 17, 2012, through April 16, 2016, 4 Years; User Department: Student Transportation & Fleet Services (STFS); Original Amount: $750,000; Vendor(s) Awarded: Derby Enterprises, LLC; Flamingo Oil Corporation; and TPH Acquisition LLP; M/WBE Vendors(s):  None


This request is to renew Bid 12-064R for one (1) additional year (April 17, 2015, through April 16, 2016) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative Group.


This is the third and final renewal of this Bid.  This Bid renewal will allow STFS to purchase automotive oils, lubricants, and greases as needed through

April 16, 2016.  A copy of the Invitation for Bid is available online at:


There is no additional financial impact to the district, as this request is to renew the contract terms for one (1) additional year.




F-1. Data Sharing Agreement with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) for Access to Student-Level Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Completions (Supporting Docs)


Approve the data sharing agreement to request access to the FLDOE's repository of FAFSA completion data for individual students.


Annually, only approximately 52% of Broward County Public School graduates complete the FAFSA to request federal financial aid. Consequently, seniors and their families leave a significant amount in federal Pell Grants on the table simply by not submitting an application.  Until now, schools did not know which students completed the FAFSA.  This data sharing agreement will allow BCPS to access student-by-student completion information from the FLDOE, via the Bright Futures Evaluation System. Now, schools will be able to identify and target students to complete the FAFSA, particularly students who qualify for free/reduced lunch, as they are most likely to receive the greatest amounts of federal financial aid.


This agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of General Counsel.


There is no financial impact to the district.


F-2. Continuation Agreements with Various Health Care Facilities for Student Clinical Experiences in Health Science Programs (Supporting Docs)


Approve the continuation agreements between the School Board of Broward County, Florida and John Knox Village of Florida, Inc., and the City of Pembroke Pines.


Career and technical education high school and adult postsecondary students district-wide, who are enrolled in Health Science Education Programs, participate in clinical learning experiences through contractual agreements with hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare related facilities in order to address the requirements of regulatory agencies for students to qualify for certification/licensure examinations upon program completion.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


These agreements have been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of General Counsel.


The City of Pembroke Pines Agreement will be executed after School Board Approval.


There is no financial impact to the district.


F-3. Agreement between the School Board of Broward County, Florida and DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. (Supporting Docs)


Approve a new agreement between the School Board of Broward County, Florida and DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc.  This agreement shall be for an initial term of three (3) years commencing on the last date of execution by the parties as indicated on the signature page of the Agreement.


Career and Technical Education high school and adult postsecondary students district-wide, who are enrolled in Health Science Education Programs, participate in clinical learning experiences through contractual agreements with hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare related facilities.  The new agreement with DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. provides clinical experiences necessary to meet Florida Department of Education mandated student performance standards.  This agreement also addresses the requirements of regulatory agencies for students to qualify for certification/licensure examinations upon program completion.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


This agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of General Counsel.


There is no financial impact to the district.




G-1. Personnel Recommendations for Instructional Appointments and Leaves for 2014-2015 School Year (Supporting Docs)


Approve the personnel recommendations for the 2014-2015 appointments and leaves as listed in the attached Executive Summary and respective lists for instructional staff.  All recommendations are made with the understanding that these individuals will comply with regulations/policies as set forth by the Florida Department of Education and The School Board of Broward County, Florida.


The Personnel Recommendations for Instructional Employees include the following items:

1. Teacher Approvals

2. Instructional Leaves


There will be no financial impact to the School District.  Funding for the positions has been allocated in the school and department budgets.


G-2. Personnel Recommendations for Instructional Separation of Employment or Discipline for the 2014-2015 School Year (Supporting Docs)


Approve the personnel recommendations for separation of employment or discipline as listed in the attached respective lists for instructional staff.  All recommendations are made with the understanding that these individuals will comply with regulations/policies as set forth by the Florida Department of Education and The School Board of Broward County, Florida.


The Personnel Recommendations for Instructional Employees include the following items:


1. Instructional Resignations and Retirements and Layoffs

2. Instructional Suspensions and Terminations and Released During Probationary Period


There will be no financial impact to the School District.


G-3. Personnel Recommendations for Non-Instructional Appointments and Leaves for the 2014-2015 School Year (Supporting Docs)


Approve the personnel recommendations for appointments and reassignments as listed on the attached Executive Summary, respective lists and individual appointments for Non-Instructional Employees.  All recommendations are made pending security clearance and with the understanding that these individuals will comply with regulations/policies as set forth by the Florida Department of Education and The School Board of Broward County, Florida.


The Personnel Recommendations for Non-Instructional Employees include the following sections:


1. Non-Instructional (Non-Managerial) Approval(s)/Reassignment(s)/Promotion(s)/Demotion(s)

2. Non-Instructional (Non-Managerial) Substitutes/Temporary Employees

3. Non-Instructional (Non-Managerial) Leave(s)-Layoff(s)

4. Managerial/Professional/Technical (ESMAB, PBA, TSP) Recommended Appointments

5. Reassignment of Current School-Based and District Managerial Appointments

6. School-Based Managerial Personnel Recommended Appointments

7. School-Based and District Managerial Acting/Special/Task Assignments(s) Personnel

8. School-Based and District Managerial Leave(s)-Layoff(s)

9. Salary Adjustment


Funding has been budgeted in the 2014-2015 school/fiscal year for all appointments through June 30, 2015.


G-4. Personnel Recommendations for Non-Instructional Separation of Employment and Discipline for the 2014-2015 School Year (Supporting Docs)


Approve the personnel recommendations for separation of employment and discipline as listed on the attached respective lists for Non-Instructional staff.  All recommendations are made with the understanding that these individuals will comply with regulations/policies as set forth by the Florida Department of Education and The School Board of Broward County, Florida.


The Personnel Recommendations include the following items:


Non-Instructional (Non-Managerial) Resignation(s)/Retirement(s)

Non-Instructional (Non-Managerial) Suspension(s)/Termination(s)

Managerial and Professional/Technical Resignation(s)/Retirement(s)

Managerial and Professional/Technical Suspension(s)/Termination(s)

Non-Instructional Discipline


Employees contesting the recommended discipline may avail themselves of due process rights pursuant to their respective Collective Bargaining Agreements or School Board Policy 4015.


There is no financial impact to the School District.


G-5. Supplemental Pay Positions (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommended supplemental pay positions of employees for the 2014/2015 school/fiscal year.


Employees are recommended for supplemental pay positions by Principal or Department Supervisor and approved by the appropriate Division Head. Supplemental positions are listed alphabetically by last name, with location and supplement type.


The Supplemental Pay Positions include the following type of supplements:  Secondary department chairpersons high school; secondary department chairpersons and/or team leaders middle school; elementary grade level chairpersons and/or team leaders; athletic supplements; general supplements; and special supplements for the 2014-2015 school year.


Individual listed meet the requirements for the supplemental positions. (None at this time.)


Funding has been budgeted in the 2014-2015 school/fiscal year for all supplements through June 30, 2015.






I-1. Naming Building #2 Downstairs Wing to Reflect Former Teacher Nancy Wengren's Memory (Supporting Docs)




Approve the Naming of the Bayview Elementary's Building #2 Downstairs Wing to "The Nancy Wengren Primary Wing."


Per School Board Policy #1401, a committee of all stakeholders was appointed to name the downstairs building (Fish Building #2) at Bayview Elementary School.  This action was done to honor the memory of a beloved staff member,

Ms. Nancy Wengren, primary teacher.  Through input from the staff, parents, community stakeholders, and school partners, we are requesting to name the Bayview Elementary Fish Building #2 downstairs wing, "The Nancy Wengren Primary Wing", out of respect for Ms. Wengren and in recognition of her service to our school and students.


There is no financial impact to the district.  All costs will be paid for by donations from community, partners and staff.


I-2. Petition For Formal Proceedings (VL) (Supporting Docs)


Receive the Petition for Formal Proceedings submitted by the Superintendent and suspend the teacher, V.L., immediately without pay.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


There is no financial impact to the School District.




J-1. Approve Authorization to Advertise Design/Build Services Maplewood Elementary School Building Envelope ADA Restrooms Fire Alarm and (Supporting Docs)

Fire Sprinkler Project No. P.001639


Approve the Authorization to Advertise for Design/Build Services,

Maplewood Elementary School, Building Envelope, ADA Restrooms,

Fire Alarm, and Fire Sprinkler, Project. No. P.001639.


Scope: The scope of work includes building envelope improvements, ADA restrooms, fire alarm, and fire sprinkler.


Budget: $2,279,629


Selection for the services shall be in accordance with Board Policy 7003.  The Qualification Selection Evaluation Committee shall shortlist, interview, and recommend one firm for selection in the evaluation of the proposer's qualifications.  The Board will award contract to the Design/Build firm.


There is no financial impact at this time, since this item is for the purpose of seeking approval to advertise for Design/Build Services.  The budget indicated in the Summary Explanation and Background above reflects funding that is identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan, Fiscal Years



J-2. Approve Authorization to Advertise Design/Build Services Coral Springs Elementary School ADA Restrooms Fire Alarm and Fire Sprinkler Project (Supporting Docs)

No. P.000437


Approve the Authorization to Advertise for Design/Build Services, Coral Springs Elementary School, ADA Restrooms, Fire Alarm, and Fire Sprinkler, Project

No. P.000437.


Scope:  The scope of work includes the remodeling of staff and student ADA restrooms, entire fire alarm replacement, including demolition of existing system, and installation of the fire sprinklers at Buildings 1, 2, and 78.


Budget: $1,735,262


Selection for the services shall be in accordance with Board Policy 7003.  The Qualification Selection Evaluation Committee shall shortlist, interview, and recommend one firm for selection in the evaluation of the proposer's qualifications.  The Board will award contract to the Design/Build firm.


There is no financial impact at this time, since this item is for the purpose of seeking approval to advertise for Design/Build Services.  The budget indicated in the Summary Explanation and Background above reflects funding that is identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan, Fiscal Years





K-1. General Fund Amendment as of February 28, 2015 (Supporting Docs)


Approve the attached General Fund Amendment as of February 28, 2015.


General Fund Amendment is submitted to the School Board pursuant to State Board Administrative Rule 6A-1.006.  This Amendment is for the purpose of updating the Broward County School District Budget for estimated revenues and appropriation changes in the General Fund.  Amendment includes information for the month of February 2015.


There is no additional financial impact to the district.


K-2. Special Revenue (Grants) Amendment as of February 28, 2015 (Supporting Docs)


Approve the attached Special Revenue (Grants) Amendment as of

February 28, 2015.


Special Revenue (Grants) Amendment is submitted to the School Board pursuant to State Board Administrative Rule 6A-1.006.  This Amendment is for the purpose of updating the Broward County School District Budget for estimated revenues and appropriation changes in the Special Revenue (Grants) Amendment includes information for the month of February 2015.


There is no additional financial impact to the district.


K-3. Interim Financial Statements for the Period Ended February 28, 2015 (Supporting Docs)


Approve the Interim Financial Statements for the Period Ended February 28, 2015.


Financial Statements are submitted to the School Board pursuant to the State Board Administrative Rule 6A-1.008.  As of February 2015, the fund balance as a percentage of projected revenues was 4.19% and fund balance, excluding

Charter Schools revenues, was 4.87%.


There is no additional financial impact to the district.


K-4. Tentative Budget Calendar for Fiscal Year 2015-16 (Supporting Docs)


Approve the District Budget Timeline & Process for Fiscal Year 2015-16.


Per Truth in Millage (TRIM) law, the School Board must approve the Tentative Budget for advertising, and hold two public hearings.


Required Meeting & Hearing Dates:


-Approve Budget for Advertising; Date: July 21, 2015 (Special School Board Meeting)


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


There is no additional financial impact to the School District.




L-1. New Charter School Agreement - The National Ben Gamla Charter School Foundation, Inc., (Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter School) (Supporting Docs)


Approve a new Charter School Agreement for The National Ben Gamla

Charter School Foundation, Inc., on behalf of Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter School.


On November 5, 2013, The School Board of Broward County, Florida, approved a charter application to open a new charter school for the start of the 2014-2015 academic year.  At the June 24, 2014, Regular School Board Meeting, item L-10 The National Ben Gamla Charter School Foundation, Inc., was approved to defer the opening of the school until the 2015-2016 academic year. Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter School will serve students in grades 6-8 and will open in August 2015.  A copy of all supporting documents are available at the Charter Schools Management/Support Department on the 12th floor of the K.C.W. Administration Center.  A copy of all supporting documents are available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at :


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


This Agreement has been approved as to form and legal content by the

Office of the General Counsel.


There is no financial impact to the district.


L-2. New Charter School Agreement - The National Ben Gamla Charter School Foundation, Inc., (Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter High School) (Supporting Docs)


Approve a new Charter School Agreement for The National Ben Gamla

Charter School Foundation, Inc., on behalf of Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter High School.


On November 5, 2013, The School Board of Broward County, Florida, approved a charter application to open a new charter school for the start of the 2014-2015 academic year.  At the June 24, 2014, Regular School Board Meeting, item L-10 The National Ben Gamla Charter School Foundation, Inc., was approved to defer the opening of the school until the 2015-2016 academic year. Ben Gamla Preparatory Charter High School will serve students in grades 9-12 and will open in August 2015.  A copy of all supporting documents are available at the Charter Schools Management/Support Department on the 12th floor of the K.C.W. Administration Center.  A copy of all supporting documents are available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:  


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


This Agreement has been approved as to form and legal content by the

Office of the General Counsel.


There is no financial impact to the district.


L-3. Agreement with DeKalb County School District, Georgia for High School Regular Season Football Game (Supporting Docs)


Approve Agreement with DeKalb County School District, Georgia and The School Board of Broward County, Florida for an interscholastic high school football game between a DeKalb County public high school and Coconut Creek High.  The game will be played on Saturday, August 29, 2015, at James R. Hallford Stadium in Clarkston, Georgia.


DeKalb County School District has invited Coconut Creek High to play a regular season football game at James R. Hallford Stadium in Clarkston, Georgia on Saturday, August 29, 2015, against a DeKalb County public high school.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.  The Superintendent of Schools for DeKalb County School District has signed and approved the agreement.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


There is no financial impact to the district.






AA-1. Resolution in support of Pilates Day - May 2015 (Supporting Docs)






Adopt Resolution #15-110 in support of Pilates Day.


See text of Resolution.


This resolution aligns with and supports our STEM curriculum.


There is no financial impact to the district.






CC-1. Revised Job Description for the Community Liaison Position (Supporting Docs)


Adopt the revised job description for the Community Liaison Position. This is the final reading.


This job description is being for revised to update the education requirement(s) to include the acceptance of special diplomas. This change is necessary given that there are several individuals within the District with a special diploma who are capable of performing the essential functions associated with the job and do not have career progression. Any vacant positions in accordance to this job description will follow standard advertising or selection process.


The job description was publicized for rule adoption in compliance with Florida Statutes on Saturday, February 28, 2015. See attached Executive Summary


Copies of all supporting documents are available at the Board Members' Office on the 14th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:


There is no additional financial impact to the District.  The revision to the job description does not impact the hourly rate assigned to the positions within the Broward Teachers Union-Education Support Professionals (BTU-ESP) Salary Schedule.


CC-2. Revised Job Description for the General Clerk I Position (Supporting Docs)


Adopt the revised job description for the General Clerk I Position. This is the final reading.


This job description is being for revised to update the education requirement(s) to include the acceptance of special diplomas.  This change is necessary given that there are several individuals within the District with a special diploma who are capable of performing the essential functions associated with the job and do not have career progression.  Any vacant positions in accordance to this job description will follow standard advertising or selection process.


The job description was publicized for rule adoption in compliance with Florida Statutes on Saturday, February 28, 2015. See attached Executive Summary


Copies of all supporting documents are available at the Board Members' Office on the 14th floor of the K. C. Wright Administration Center and available online via the Broward County Public Schools eAgenda at:


There is no additional financial impact to the District.  The revision to the job description does not impact the hourly rate assigned to the positions within the Federation of Public Employees (FOPE) Salary Schedule.


CC-3. Revised Job Description Coordinator, Before and After School Child Care Position (Supporting Docs)


Approve the revised job description for the Coordinator, Before and After School Child Care Position to Director, Before and After School Child Care. This is the first reading.


The job description for the Coordinator, Before and After School Child Care position, is being for revised to update the title, minimum, additional and preferred qualifications and responsibilities of the position.  The Before and After School Child Care Program, is highly successful and generates revenues that have grown from $10,362,377 in 2010 to $15,107,528 in 2014.  Revenues are projected to be $16,075,591 in 2015.  Additionally, the Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP), started last year, has grown from $92,384 to $668,244.  The revision is deemed necessary to ensure the job description accurately reflects the required qualifications, appropriate title and salary band of the position, and will ensure the District establishes and maintains an organizational structure that supports Before and After School Child Care Program objectives.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


There is an additional financial impact of $4,337.34, however; funding is allocated from parent fees which represents no cost to the District.  The revision to the job description does not impact the hourly rate assigned to the positions within the Educational Support & Management Association of Broward, Inc. (ESMAB) Salary Schedule.


CC-4. Revised Job Description for the Curriculum Supervisor, Career, Technical, Adult, Community Education Position (Supporting Docs)


Approve the revised job description for the Curriculum Supervisor, Career, Technical, Adult, Community Education Position.  This is the first reading.


This job description is being revised in an effort to secure a pool of applicants that may qualify for this position, and to add leadership experience in strategic development.  The revisions include the addition of an educational leadership certificate and additional experience.  With the addition, there will be more flexibility to source applicants who possess managerial skills that will assist the District in supporting school programming.  Talent possessing these capabilities will facilitate strategic development of curriculum to enhance student achievement through innovative program development.  Any vacant positions in accordance to this job description will follow standard advertising or selection process.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


There is no additional financial impact to the District.  The revision to the job description does not impact the hourly rate assigned to the positions within the Educational Support & Management Association of Broward, Inc. (ESMAB) Salary Schedule.






EE-1. Transportation Agreements for City Recreation Programs (Supporting Docs)


Approve agreements between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and the City of Fort Lauderdale, City of Miramar and City of Pompano Beach, to provide school bus transportation for recreational programs for the period of one year.


The transportation agreements allow the cities to utilize District school buses for city sponsored recreation programs and events that are dependent on transportation.  City sponsored recreation programs provide a valuable service to their respective communities.


Transportation services will be provided during the times school buses are not being utilized for service to Broward County Public Schools. The City of Fort Lauderdale, City of Miramar and City of Pompano Beach will reimburse the District for the full cost of this service at the approved reimbursement rate.  This reimbursement rate fully covers the costs incurred by the District.


These agreements have been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of General Counsel.


An analysis of transportation costs, which includes reimbursement rate, is performed annually to ensure the reimbursement rate is adequately aligned with transportation costs.  The cities will reimburse the District for the cost of this service at the current approved reimbursement rate of $70 per hour.


EE-2. Bid Recommendation of $500,000 or Greater - 15-064B - Employee Uniforms and School Apparel (Catalog) (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommendation to award for the above bid.  Bid Term:

April 22, 2015, through April 30, 2018, 3 Years; User Department:

Food & Nutrition Services (FNS); Award Amount: $650,000; Awarded Vendor(s): Six (6); M/WBE Certified Vendor(s):  Three (3)

See Supporting Docs for continuation of Requested Action.


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, received seven (7) bids for

Bid 15-064B, Employee Uniforms and School Apparel (Catalog).  This Bid is for the purchase of employee uniforms and school apparel that may consist of pants,

t-shirts, polo shirts with embroidery or logo, and any additional uniform-type apparel.  Employee uniforms are currently being utilized by cafeteria workers in FNS.  The estimated spend will be $616,000; the remaining $34,000 will be used for schools, departments, and centers for the use of t-shirts and polo shirts with logos.


A copy of the bid documents are available online at:


The financial impact will be $650,000. FNS will use approximately $616,000 for the current 1,400 cafeteria employees over a three (3) year term.  The additional $34,000 will come from the operating funds of schools, departments, and centers.  The financial impact represents an estimated contract value; however, the amount authorized will not exceed the estimated value.


EE-3. Bid Recommendation of $500,000 or Greater - 15-087T - Refuse Services (Supporting Docs)




Approve the recommendation to award for the above contract. Contract Term:  April 22, 2015, through April 30, 2018, 3 Years; User Department:  Physical Plant Operations (PPO), Environmental Conservation/Utility Management; Award Amount:  $1,515,000; Vendor(s) Awarded:  Progressive Waste Solutions of Florida FL., Inc. (Primary Vendor); Republic Services of Florida, Limited Partnership (First Alternate Vendor); and Waste Management Inc. of Florida (Second Alternate Vendor); M/WBE Vendor(s):  None


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, received eight (8) bids for

Bid 15-087T - Refuse Services.  This Bid will be used to provide refuse services at schools, centers, and administrative sites located in the cities of Fort Lauderdale, Dania Beach, and Hollywood.  The remaining District sites, within the county, have sole source refuse franchises.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.


A copy of the bid documents are available online at:


The estimated financial impact will be approximately $1,515,000 over a three (3) year period.  The funding will come from PPO's operating budget and will be managed by Environmental Conservation/Utility Management.  The financial impact amount represents an estimated contract value; however, the amount authorized will not exceed the bid award amount.


EE-4. RFP Recommendation of $500,000 or Greater - 15-076C - Purchase and Installation of Indoor-Outdoor Walk-In Freezer-Coolers (Supporting Docs)


Approve the recommendation to award RFP 15-076C. Contract Term:

April22, 2015, through April21, 2018, 3 Years; User Department: Food and Nutrition Services; Award Amount: $3,870,000 ($1,935,000 per vendor); Vendor(s) Awarded: State Contracting and Engineering Corporation, and

Johnson Controls, Inc.; M/WBE Vendor(s): See Supporting Documents


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, received two (2) proposals for the purchase and installation of indoor/outdoor walk-in freezer/coolers. This RFP is being awarded to a pool of vendors deemed responsive and responsible proposers that offer the greatest single-fixed percentage discount from the manufacturer's suggested retail price list.  This term RFP is available for the purchase and installation of indoor/outdoor walk-in freezer/coolers; essential equipment and services needed for the day-to-day operation of the District's school cafeterias.


A copy of the RFP documents are available online at:


These Agreements have been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.


The estimated financial impact will be $3,870,000; funding will come from the Food and Nutrition Services' fund budget.


EE-5. Direct Negotiations Recommendation of $500,000 or Greater - 55-119E - ParentLink Parental Engagement Solution - Parlant (Supporting Docs)


Approve the Direct Negotiations Agreement with Parlant Technology, Inc. Contract Term: May 1, 2015, through June 30, 2018, 3 Years, 2 Months; User Department: Various; Award Amount: $1,424,000; Vendor(s) Awarded: 

Parlant Technology, Inc.; M/WBE Vendor(s):  See supporting documentation.


This request is to approve the direct negotiations agreement with Parlant Technology, Inc., for the District's ParentLink services.  ParentLink uses data automatically supplied by TERMS, Data Warehouse, Pinnacle Gradebook, Food and Nutrition Services, Library Automation, Edulog, and SAP to deliver over 30 million messages each year via phone, SMS text, email, and the District's custom mobile application.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.


The projected cost for the services procured under this contract is estimated to be $1,424,000.  This represents a cost reduction of $174,000 for ParentLink services over a three (3) year period.  The funding will come from the Information & Technology operating budget.


EE-6. Recommendation for Additional Spending Authority - 12-034T - Miscellaneous Environmental Consulting Services (Supporting Docs)


Approve an increase in spending for the above contract.  Contract Term:  November 1, 2011, through November 30, 2016, 5 Years; User Department:

Risk Management; New Award Amount:  $1,575,577; Vendor(s) Awarded: 

Air Quest Environmental, Inc.; Eco Advisors, LLC; and EE&G Environmental, Inc.; M/WBE Vendor(s):  Air Quest Environmental, Inc.


The School Board of Broward County, Florida, approved a contract award for Miscellaneous Environmental Consulting Services on November 1, 2011.  The contract award was $950,000 for services from November 1, 2011, through November 30, 2016.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


A copy of the bid documents are available online at: EnvironmentalConsulting Svcs.pdf.  


The estimated financial impact will be approximately $575,577; funding for this item will come from the capital budget.  The financial impact represents an estimated contract value; however, the amount authorized will not exceed the bid award amount.


EE-7. Grant Applications - Post-Submission (Supporting Docs)


Approve the submission of the following grant applications (Items A - G):

A. ExxonMobil: Educational Alliance Program, $500 (awarded) B. Hagen Family Foundation, $12,000 (requested) C. James Patterson Pledge to Libraries, $10,000 (requested) D. JP Morgan Chase/National Academy Foundation, $5,000 (awarded)

List is continued in the Summary Explanation and Background section below.


E. National Science Teachers Association, $1,428 (awarded) F. The OCHO Project: Read for a Need, $1,000 (awarded) G. Together Counts Playground Makeover Sweepstakes, $30,000 (requested)


Copies of the grant applications and executive summaries are available at the Board members' office on the 14th floor of the K.C. Wright Administration Center and online via the Broward Public Schools eAgenda at:


The potential positive financial impact if all projects are awarded is $59,938 from various sources.












JJ-1. Termination of Agreement and Final Payment Tedder Elementary School DECON Environmental & Engineering, Inc. Design/Build Modular Classroom Buildings Project No. 0571-21-01 (Supporting Docs)


Approve the Termination of Agreement and Final Payment of $20,176.10 to DECON Environmental & Engineering, Inc. at Tedder Elementary School, Design/Build Modular Classroom Buildings, Project No. 0571-21-01.


District Staff determined that due to the following circumstances, the twelve (12) classrooms included in the Agreement with DECON Environmental & Engineering, Inc. was not needed at Tedder Elementary School:


1) A thirty-six (36) classroom addition was scheduled to commence

February 2005 at Tedder Elementary School.


2) Change in student attendance boundaries increased enrollment at

Tedder Elementary School.


See Supporting Doc for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


The financial impact to the District is $20,176.  The source of funds are identified in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan, and this amount is included in the current project budget.


JJ-2. Change Order #1 Wingate Oaks Center C & F Electric of Fort Lauderdale, FL Emergency Generator Project No. P.000185 (f.k.a. 0991-99-08) (Supporting Docs)


Approve Change Order #1, Wingate Oaks Center, C & F Electric of Fort Lauderdale, FL, Emergency Generator, Project No. P.000185, in the amount of $129,283 CREDIT, -365- days.


Change Order #1, $129,283 CREDIT, -365- days

Wingate Oaks Center

C & F Electric of Fort Lauderdale, FL

Emergency Generator

Project No. P.000185


Refer to Exhibits 1 and 3 for detailed information.


A positive financial impact of $8,192 will be added to the Capital Projects Reserve.


JJ-3. Final Acceptance/Release of Retainage Riverside Elementary School Thermal Concepts, Inc. Additions and Alterations to HVAC Project No. (Supporting Docs)



Approve the Final Acceptance/Release of Retainage for Riverside Elementary School, Thermal Concepts, Inc., Additions and Alterations to HVAC, Project

No. 3031-99-06, in the amount of $37,900.60.


The Contractor, Thermal Concepts, Inc., has completed the scope of the contract within the contract limits.  Final Acceptance/Release of Retainage will occur upon execution of the General and Full Release of Lien by the Contractor.


The funds being released totaling $37,900.60 are included in the Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan, Fiscal Years 2006-2007 to 2010-2011, page #70.


JJ-4. Change Order #1, Atlantic Technical College, Advanced Roofing, Inc., (Supporting Docs)

Re-roof Building 8, Project No. P.001527


Approve Change Order #1, Atlantic Technical College, Advanced Roofing, Inc., Re-roof Building 8, Project No. P.001527.


Change Order #1, $37,850, -0- days

Atlantic Technical College

Advanced Roofing, Inc.

Re-roof Building 8

Project No. P.001527


Refer to Exhibits 1 and 3 for detailed information.


There is a financial impact of $37,450 which will come from Workforce Development Funds.


JJ-5. Final Change Order Final Acceptance/Release of Retainage Hollywood Hills High School Cedars Electro-Mechanical, Inc. Remodeling and Renovations Project No. P.000299 (f.k.a. 1661-22-01) (Supporting Docs)


Approve the Final Change Order for Hollywood Hills High School in the amount of $198,162 CREDIT, -430- days and approve the Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage in the amount of $46,328 for Cedars Electro-Mechanical, Inc., Remodeling and Renovations, Project No. P.000299.


Final Change Order - refer to Exhibits 1 and 4 for detailed information.


Final Acceptance/Release of Retainage - the Contractor, Cedars Electro-Mechanical, Inc. has completed the scope of their contract within the contract limits. Final Acceptance and Release of Retainage will occur upon execution of the General and Full Release of Lien by the Contractor.


A positive financial impact of $198,162 will be added to the Capital Projects Reserve.






LL-1. Renewal of Lease Agreement between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. (Supporting Docs)


Approve the Renewal of the Lease Agreement Between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc., for Community School South.


The Community School South will lease a 2,417 square foot building located at 5811 Johnson Street for the Community School South's ESOL program.  The term of the lease is from June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016. Additionally, the Agreement stipulates that either party could terminate the lease upon a 90 day written notice to the other party.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel, and upon approval by the SBBC, the Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc., will execute the Agreement.


The financial impact to the District is $72,631.65 to include $44,588.52 for annual rental fee; $15,909.27 for part-time annual custodial support; $1,379.06 for annual custodial supplies; $2,428.00 for annual instructional materials and supplies; $5,170.80 for annual electrical costs; and $3,156.00 for annual telephone and internet costs.  The source of funds is the Community School South's budget.


LL-2. Nova Southeastern University Summer Program Agreement (Supporting Docs)


Approve the agreement with Nova Southeastern University, Inc. to provide three magnet high school summer enrichment programs for students.  The Aviation Program at Miramar High School, the Marine Science Program at South Broward High School, and the Emerging Computer Technology and Digital Entrepreneurship Program at Dillard High School.


Nova Southeastern University, Inc., will host the annual summer programs for up to thirty (30) students in each program beginning on June 8, 2015 and concluding on June 12, 2015 or the Aviation Program; June 22, 2015 through June 26, 2015 for both the Marine Science Program and Emerging Computer Technology and Digital Entrepreneurship Program.


The agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel.


The supervising teachers (three for each program) will be paid a stipend of $600 per teacher.  Teachers will be participating and learning the content along with the students in the sessions that will be delivered by NSU and a community organization with the content knowledge and expertise aligned to each program accordingly.  The total stipend for all nine teachers will be $5,400 and funded by Title II, Part A.


LL-3. Reinstatement of the Agreement of Sale and Purchase between (Supporting Docs)

The School Board of Broward County, Florida and JLB Realty, LLC for the Purchase of the Site Commonly Referred to as Elementary D-1 School Site (No.352.1)




Approve the Reinstatement of the Agreement of Sale and Purchase between

The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) and JLB Realty, LLC for the purchase of the site commonly referred to as Elementary D-1 School Site

(No. 352.1).


The Elementary D-1 School Site (No.352.1) is an approximate 11.84 acre property that is located at the southeast corner of Broward Boulevard and Hiatus Road in the City of Plantation.  The property was purchased by The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) on March 13, 1997 at a cost of $1,993,500.00 for the purposes of constructing a future elementary school.  However on April 20, 2010 and consistent with Section 1013.28, Florida Statutes (FS), the SBBC approved the surplus of the property to indicate that the site was no longer needed for educational purposes.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by a District Cadre Attorney and the Office of the General Counsel, and upon its approval by the SBBC, due diligence processes towards purchase and closing on the property will commence.


At the time this sale is closed, there will be a positive financial impact to the District ranging from $8,200,500.00 to $11,396,000.00.  The 2014-15 Adopted District Educational Facilities Plan (ADEFP) includes estimated revenue from the sale of land in the 2015-16 fiscal year.  This revised sales contract will result in an estimated closing in 2016-17, therefore the estimated revenue projections will have to be updated to reflect this change.  See Supporting Docs for continuation of Financial Impact.


LL-4. Renewal of Lease Agreement Between The School Board of Broward County, Florida and COPANS 2011, LLC (Supporting Docs)




Approve the Renewal of Lease Agreement Between The School Board of Broward County, Florida (SBBC) and COPANS 2011, LLC regarding the Broward Education Foundation "Tools for Schools Broward".


In 2010, the SBBC entered into Agreement with COPANS 2011, LLC to lease a store front for the Broward Education Foundation "Tools for Schools Broward" Program.  The leased location provides warehouse and retail/showroom space for teachers to select donated school supplies and products, and is conveniently located and highly visible on a commercial street along Copans Road.  The lease became effective on August 1, 2010, and is set to expire on July 31, 2015.


See Supporting Docs for continuation of Summary Explanation and Background.


This Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to form and legal content by the Office of the General Counsel, and upon approval by the SBBC, COPANS 2011, LLC will execute the Agreement.


The financial impact to the District is $71,138.52 to include $68,138.52 for annual rental fee; and $3,000.00 annually for electric costs. Funds for this item will come from Capital Projects Reserve.




PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 286.0105:  If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the School Board with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.


Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, (ADAAA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities/ADA Compliance Department at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158.